Great Ashby Community Book Swaps

What is a Community Book Swap?

A Book Swap is an event where you can bring along books that you no longer want and swap them for books that you do! Fiction, non-fiction, kids books, adults books, recipe books. Any genre as long as it’s in decent enough condition for someone else to enjoy.

At the Great Ashby Community Centre our Community Book Swaps are free events. There is no entry fee and we don’t charge for any books that you want to take. All we ask is that you either return any books that you have read (and have finished with) or pass them on to someone else to enjoy.

All books at the event have been donated by the community. Don’t worry if you don’t have any to bring, come and pick one up anyway. Perhaps you can donate next time.

We sell tea, cafetiere coffee, soft drinks and cakes (some of which are often homemade) to enjoy at the event with friends or family or to take away. All cash donations as well as proceeds from the sale of the refreshments go to the charity that runs our centre.

Our first Great Ashby Community Book Swap was held in May 2021 and was an instant success! We usually hold three per year, in the Spring, Summer and late Autumn.

Our TENTH event, took place on Sunday 14th July, 2pm to 4pm in Hall 2 (the hall on the left side of the building). We held a Teddy Tombola and sold our Great Ashby Tote Bags, as well as refreshments at our pop-up tea room, to raise funds for our charity.

When is the next event?

We have not yet announced the date of our next event.

Follow our Facebook page for announcements and more details nearer the time.